ATT-TACTICAL™ ATT-Tactical - Serving Warfighters and Crimefighters since 1985
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SFS Fighting Shield©

The SFS Fighting Shield©
This Ballistic Shield has generated considerable excitement in the SWAT community. “High Mobility/Low Profile”. This shield has been custom designed by us with input from the Senior Shield Instructor of a 38,000 cop department. This guy had taught the “Ballistic Shield Operator’s Course” for his agency as well as hundreds of other agencies nationwide. His Course is still the national standard to which all agency courses are gauged. His agency's Emergency Services Unit experience in deploying a ballistic shield in real world operations including barricade, hostage rescue, high risk warrant service is unrivaled. Over a thousand Calls for Service a month makes these guys the busiest Special Operations Division in the country. That's a hundred calls per 3 tours for 10 units. Now that's BUSY!!

Several years ago when we first introduced the idea of the Fighting Shield to this agency, they couldn't understand how a lighter, stronger, better balanced shield would make their jobs that much easier. At the time, if it stopped bullets, it worked, but when the tactical principles that these operators utilize when deploying a ballistic shield in their operations, were modified to utilize the superior design, ergonomic handle and low-balance point of the SFS Fighting Shield© , their officers were quite simply, “blown away”. Deploying a shield in an offensive manner where the user does not have to sacrifice mobility, flexibility and speed over an extended period of time, is critical for success.

™ Fighting Ballistic Shield is intended to be utilized as s Striking Instrument
 Achieving these goals requires the proper training to get the most out of the equipment. Never scrimp on training. Contact us to schedule a Shield Operator course for your regional Special Operations.

We have sold thousands of the SFS nationally and internationally.


This shield is lightweight, (only 12.5 lbs without lighting option) balanced from top to bottom and left to right and provides IIIA ballistic protection. 675 square inches of coverage with the rear mounted viewport higher in the shield than the competition.  The Carry Handle is securely attached with bolts that are shot for NIJ certification. At just under 3 feet tall, this shield is perfect for aircraft, bus and railroad interiors as well as narrow hallways and stairwells. Add our 540 lumen white light LED illuminator for even more operability in hostile or dark operations. NIJ 0108.01Certified

3-day or 1-Day Operator Training Course Available for your agency - call for details.
Minimum number of attendees required.

Available under NYS Contract #PC67143
New Jersey Dept's can now buy this shield under the Monmouth Co. OEM Co-Op Contract #234826

Level III SFS Fighting Shield©
This shield in our Large configuration shown above weighs only 19.5 lbs. The material comes from the aerospace industry and has proven itself time & time again in both lab testing & real world exposure that it will protect a fast moving Hostage Rescue Team,  Violent Felon Apprehension Team or a Warrant Service Team, when long guns are present. The shield is purposely designed not to have a window so as to keep it's weight down to our Fighting Shield requirement. 840 square inches with the certified ability to stop all rounds, 30cal and down with a lead core projectile.

We are also offering this shield in our Medium Configuration of 715 square inches which drops the shield's total weight to 14 lbs. Also without a View Port so as not to add unnecessary weight to the shield.

True Level III Viewports (not Level 3A like the competition's) are available but add an additional 12lbs to the shield.

That 38,000 man Police Department's SWAT Team utilizing the SFS™ Fighting Shield

If I may add, the ballistic shield shown in the lead-in above is the SFS-Fighting Shield supplied by ATT-Tactical™. Unlike other manufacturer's shields, we designed, have manufactured and market it to be utilized as a striking instrument too. A fast-moving Entry Team may need to require a non-compliant subject rapidly placed upon the ground as they move through a house or structure without sacrificing the Shield Operator to stay behind as they advance. Anyone struck in the neck, collarbone, or side of the head, has the fight taken out of them. Instructors teach to use the top corners with a flick of the wrist.

Sal and Pete worked extensively on weight, viewport position, handle placement and most importantly, balance point with Paul. You do not have to fight this shield to hold it upright. It balances naturally in the supporting hand and the hydrophobic closed cell foam elbow pad reduces backface injuries of that forearm.


We constantly get comments over our preferred light placement and choice.

>Why a modular light and not a built-in? The Foxfury® Shield Light was chosen specifically because it did not require it to be integrated into the shield as other manufacturers issue. The reason being: extreme duty tends to break battery holders and light housings. The Foxfury® system, if damaged, does not require the shield to be placed out of service. The shield stays at the Command. A replacement Light Kit is sent in and is replaced at the end-user’s Office.


>Why the high placement?  Shield Operators know how blinding the back of the gun hand is, when it reflects the shield light back when the operator’s pistol is presented in front of the viewport. Your eyes narrow down and your ability to identify additional threats are greatly reduced. Plus, Subjects tend to shoot at the light. Your backlite handgun and shooting hand are between their gun and your shield Light.


Remember too that the purpose of the shield is that of a bullet sponge. 50% go over the top. The shield is not intended to stop all bullets, just the ones aimed at you and your team. Placing the light high also permits the illumination over furniture or in a linier assault on a Subway car, tunnel, or prone non-combatants where there is no illumination other that the Shield Light. Also, if a shielded peek around a door frame or wall corner is necessary, the light precedes the viewport so with just a sliver of viewport exposure is required to see a threat around the corner




Applied Tactical Technologies, Inc. PO Box 268, Babylon NY 11702-0268 USA (800)223-1204


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