ATT-TACTICAL™ ATT-Tactical - Serving Warfighters and Crimefighters since 1985
US Dept. of State  ITAR / DDTC Registered  Manufacturer  / DUNS 96-648-0345  / CAGE 3BNS6
NYCPASS Port  SUP1646628 / NYS Vender ID # 1000034176  / NJS Vender ID # 13262250
NYS Explosives Mfgr - Dealer  / §478.99(d) Armor Piercing Ammunition /  AA&E Level 2 / GML 103
FAR, FAR2 and SOP 00 11 -Compliant  / WAWF - Compliant / IPP  - BAA - TAA Compliant,
 Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) Certified / SP 800-171
Defense Contractor since 1994
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Our Corporate Mission Statement


Applied Tactical Technologies (ATT-Tactical) is committed to excellence in all that we do. We will accomplish our mission through technological leadership, product research and development, responsible marketing, and commercial strategies that create and reshape markets. We believe in delivering timely and comprehensive service to our customers; providing innovation in all aspects of technology and design; marketing firearms that are extensively tested, safe, and proven effective; and maintaining a position of leadership that sets the industry standard for quality. We adhere to the highest legal and ethical principles in the conduct of all aspects of our business. We commit to all our constituencies the highest standards of operational and financial performance.

Our motto: "Knowledge has value, but experience is priceless"

Applied Tactical Technologies (ATT-Tactical) offers turnkey defense and security solutions to Law Enforcement and Armed Forces as well as governmental agencies, multinationals as well as individual war-fighters and crime-fighters. Additionally we supply official procurement authorities and participates in public tenders. As a niche specialist, ATT-Tactical also offers specialized services such as single-system procurement, systems overhaul and systems consultancy.

ATT-Tactical represent a selective range of complimentary brands while securing dedicated focus for each manufacturer. Thanks to direct relationships with Law Enforcement and Armed Forces communities and in close cooperation with our partners, ATT-Tactical offers direct access to our extensive direct agency distribution network operations covering most of CONUS.  

Anti-Bribery Compliance

Due Diligence Report available upon bona fide request.
Our report contains the following information:

  • detailed company information
  • business and technical qualifications and company literature
  • company ownership, management and key employees
  • a description of any government relationships
  • information on subsidiaries and affiliated entities
  • financial information or a financial reference, to ensure that the individual entity can meet its obligations
  • curricula vitae of owners, directors and key employees
  • at least three business references
  • a review of third parties, if any
  • bankruptcy and litigation inquiries, if applicable
  • a media search in a comprehensive international database
  • a written policy addressing bribery, extortion and kickbacks
  • a written guideline on gifts and hospitality

To meet our compliance requirements, we participate in and complete an extensive background review for all employees, agents and representatives of our company and it's subsidiaries. We have an effective written policy addressing bribery, extortion and kickbacks; and participate in annual anti-bribery training.

The corporate due diligence review process is based on best practices benchmarking surveys of numerous international corporations, guidelines from the U.S. Department of Justice and case law. As a commercial entity, we maintain rigorous standards and these standards have been communicated throughout our marketing chain.  These standards are reviewed, updated using international corporate standards and are renewed annually.
The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 ("FCPA") generally prohibits U.S. companies and citizens, foreign companies listed on a U.S. stock exchange, or any person acting while in the United States, from corruptly paying or offering to pay, directly or indirectly, money or anything of value to a foreign official to obtain or retain business (the “Antibribery Provisions”).
The FCPA also requires “issuers” (any company including foreign companies) with securities traded on a U.S. exchange or otherwise required to file periodic reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”)) to keep books and records that accurately reflect business transactions and to maintain effective internal controls (the “Books and Records and Internal Control Provisions).

Applied Tactical Technologies, Inc. PO Box 268, Babylon NY 11702-0268 USA (800)223-1204


Copyright Notice
©1994-2024 Applied Tactical Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved in Perpetuity.
att-tactical™ Panoply™, 8-Ball™
are trademarks in continuous use since 1994. The phrase 'Bang Box' has been in continuous use by law enforcement agencies across the USA since the early 1990's and therefore is public domain. The ATT-TACTICAL name, logo and related trademarks and service marks, owned by Applied Tactical Technologies, Inc., are registered and/or used in the United States and many foreign countries.  All other trademarks, service marks and trade names referenced in this site are the property of their respective owners. ANY USE, COPYING, OR REPRODUCTION OF THE TRADEMARKS, LOGOS, INFORMATION, IMAGES OR DESIGNS CONTAINED IN THIS SITE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF APPLIED TACTICAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. seeks to ensure that all content and information published at this Web site is current and accurate but is not warranted.

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The information at does not in any way constitute legal or professional advice and cannot be held liable for actions arising from its use. we accept no liability for any loss or damages, consequential or otherwise, incurred in the reliance of the materials contained within.
ATT-Tactical does not guarantee that the information provided herein is free from errors as the BATFE is often fluid in their definitions, descriptives, interpretations, readings, understandings and/or enforcement of federal and/or state laws.

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In total of all content of this internet entity is not intended for public purview or examination. This is an internal information and corporate records storage device intended for viewing by agents, employees and/or representatives of this website's owner of record. No other use by anyone else is authorized. In addition, cannot be held responsible for the contents of any externally linked pages or the actions taken by any entity which views this information. Any and all pricing shown is for internal use only, is not an offer to sell, deliver, send, ship or trade and subject to change without notice.  

ITAR Clause
You may access information on this site which may contain technical data as defined in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations ITAR at 22 CFR 120.10. The technical data provided comes under the purview of U.S. export regulations including the Arms Export Control Act (title 22, U.S.C., sec. 2751, et seq.) or the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended,(title 50, U.S.C., app. 2401, et seq.).

Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)  Export Administration Regulations (EAR)
By accessing this site, you acknowledge that such restricted technical data may not be exported, disclosed, or transferred to any foreign person, as defined in the ITAR at 22 CFR 120.16, without first complying with all the requirements of the ITAR (22 CFR 120-130) including requirements for obtaining any required export authority.      

Counterfeit Parts Mitigation
We are in full compliance with both the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and the Trade Agreements Act regarding identifying, segregating and removing counterfeit parts from our supply chain. We insure our dealers and lower tier suppliers are also in compliance.

Pending Patents, Trade Marks, Copyrights and Intellectual Property
Unless otherwise noted, all materials, including all of the text, page headers, images, illustrations, graphics, photographs, written and other materials that appear as part of this Catalog (collectively, the "Content") are subject to trademark, service mark, trade dress, copyright, and/or other intellectual property rights or licenses held by Applied Tactical Technologies, Inc., one of its affiliates, or by third parties who have licensed their materials to Applied Tactical Technologies, Inc.,. Furthermore, certain products in this Catalog are subject to patent protection under patent law, including both, utility and design patent protection, as well as trade dress, copyright, and other intellectual property laws.  

The entire Content of this Catalog is copyrighted as a collective work under U.S. copyright laws, and Applied Tactical Technologies, Inc., owns a copyright in the selection, coordination, arrangement, and enhancement of the Content. The Catalog as a whole is protected by copyright and trade dress, all worldwide rights, titles and interests in and to which are owned by Applied Tactical Technologies, Inc. The Content of the Catalog, and the Catalog as a whole, are intended solely for personal, noncommercial (other than for the purchase of merchandise from this Catalog) use by the users of our Catalog. Applied Tactical Technologies, Inc., reserves complete title and full intellectual property rights in any Content you copy from this Catalog. Except as noted above, you may not copy, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, display, transmit, transfer, create derivative works from, sell or participate in any sale of, or exploit in any way, in whole or in part, any of the Content of this Catalog.
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